Friday, May 30, 2008

If I Had Time...

I'd complain about how frustrating the Raingutter Regatta is (really, isn't the Pine Wood Derby torture enough?)
I'd complain that it's near impossible to clean a house for company when a crying two-year-old wants me to sit right THERE! No. Right THERE!
I'd also complain about how hard it is to have a church meeting when previously mentioned two-year wants to read a book.
But, I have no time, so "everythings fine, thank you."


FOX said...

If I lived closer I would watch your two year old for you for a little while!

I think you need some chocolate chip cookies for lunch to reinvigorate!!!!

Aimee said...

Soooo know how you feel. I've had a week also. Good luck with all!!

Rachel and Steve said...

I feel your pain girl!
Want a Diet Coke? I am on my 4th or maybe 5th for the day! It helps the pain!

tz said...

this too shall pass...
but you've most likely heard that and who wants to hear that when you just want to complain...;)

Mom of Three said...

TM saw the regata box and said, that would be fun, maybe we should do that too. Seeing as he is the Cub Master and could actually make it happen, I referred him to your blog!

Brittany said...

If only I were home, I could help you, but since I am not, I guess you are on your own!