Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Why do I always feel like the dentist is grading me as a mother? I think it goes something like this:

A: No cavities, no tartar buildup.
B: No cavities, minor tartar.
C: No cavities, lots of tartar.
D: Cavities, lots of tartar, some plaque.
F: Cavities, tons of tartar, tons of plaque.

Guess what grade I got?

My dentist is as nice as Mr. Rogers. He hugs me and the boys every time we go in for a visit. (If he weren't so stinkin' nice, it might be creepy.) So, maybe I'm a bit crazy, but I swear they speak in code:

Dental hygienist: "They need to brush their teeth better."
What I hear: "What in the world are you doing wrong, that your children don't even brush their teeth right?!?"
Dentist: "Yup, we've got a cavity."
What I hear: "You are a grossly incompetent mother."

Upon hearing that he would have a filling, Big Boy #2 said "Can't they just let me off with a warning?" Don't I wish...

However, on a more positive note, I thought I would include pictures of today's Field Day. The boys had a ton of fun - and we all ended up sweaty, dirty and tired. (A great beginning to any dental visit, I might add.)


Brittany said...

Oh yes the dentist, as if it isn't enough to be graded on your own, now you have children they can grade you by also!! Looks like field day was fun.

Mom of Three said...

How funny! We went to the dentist today too. I can totally relate. I got an A for Gem, but instead of riding on that high, out comes LM. He scored a C. I kept saying, but he doesn't have any cavities right? My answer...yes, however the boy has gingevitus (in other words, you incompetent mother thinking that you could skate with not getting any cavities!). I feel your pain.

Martha said...

NCLB: no cavities left behind?
My kids would indeed be in the particially proficient category is CSAPs were given for dental hygiene.

Oh well...I figure I'm a good mom, and while the dentist might think I let my kids floss with twizzlers, their icky teeth pays for his kid to go to Stanford. :)

tz said...

My kids' dentist will actually comment on the teeth and end with either "good job MOM" or "we need to do better MOM"

are you kidding me!
like I don't have enough guilt already...
but it does feel good when I get the 'good job'

ganelle said...

The real question is, at what point are they responsible for their own teeth? I mean, we tell them to brush their teeth, but don't do it for them (until after this LAST visit!)
And, it seems like we do well every other visit. So, am I a decent mom only half the year???
Mom of 3: Maybe it's genetic? There would be a lot less guilt that way...
martha: yeah, his kids go to Stanford on the back of MY guilt!
tz: at least you are confirming that my dentist DOES, in fact, speak in code!

Lorie said...

Here I come with all your dental solutions(ha!): I went through the whole dental assisting program in Utha and worked for a dentist for a while. Yea, we used to say it to the parents but didn't really expect anything to change. When the kid is 8 yrs old they should have enough dexterity to brush their own teeth so before then, line them up every night and brush away. Flossing... my dentist just told me to do it but then followed up by, "no one really ever flosses their kids' teeth", which made me feel validated. If I see tons of crap between their teeth, I'll grab one of those little green "flossers" and make them bleed but typically, I'm a slacker. More information than you wanted but there I go again with my wealth of knowledge.

Vern said...

"Can't they just let me off with a warning?" Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Okay Ganelle - but when are you getting in to cover that root canal? Opps, did I say too much.
Just worried about you hon.
