Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tooth Fairy's Going Broke - Part II

Big Boy #2 left this under his pillow the other night. This the second note of its kind. The last note simply asked for "more money." Since it worked last time, he figured he'd try again.

"I'm trying to get her up to $100.00"

Yeah, I'm thinking not so much. Those teeth don't exactly turn to gold when the Tooth Fairy picks them up!


Cheryl said...

It's funny, we're going through the same thing right now. Annie lost her top front tooth two nights ago. Then she had to go to the dentist yesterday and get two more pulled! Unfortunately, the tooth fairy forgot last night. Good thing she's still a little naive.

Vern said...


Mom of Three said...

I'm thinking that you have a salesman on your hands!

Dodi said...

i wouldn't worry unless you find him with pliers in the bathroom, yanking out the teeth one by one murmuring, "That new Wii game is only a few more tooth fairy visits away!"