Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Nanny?

Yesterday the Caboose had a friend over who was potty-trained. He was clearly in awe of this, and soon after she left he wanted to wear undies of his own. While this week isn't the best timing for me, I figured we could give it a go.

The first bit didn't go so well. However, once his brothers came home (and demonstrated how they each got a yummy cookie after using the bathroom) he found success. He got pretty darn good too - exerting enough control that he managed to keep up a pretty demanding routine of pee-treat-wait three minutes - pee some more, etc.

Then today.

It was a crazy morning and I didn't even try to put him in undies until close to 11:00 - right before my presidency meeting. NOT A GOOD IDEA.

While struggling to discuss the logistical and emotional needs of the various women in our congregation with three other women, the Caboose had two accidents (which required wardrobe changes) a couple unsuccessful attempts on the toilet and even managed to streak through the house.

Can you imagine if corporate executives were forced to run meetings like this? I can just envision a big mahogany table surround by soft leather chairs with well-dressed business people. A CEO stands up and begins "We have several serious issues arising with our people. Our success or failure in these matters..." Just then a completely naked two-year old comes careening around the corner laughing and shouting "Mooommmmmmyyy!!"

I think I need a nanny.

Oh, and Diamond is no longer stuck in Canada. The good news was that the last afternoon flight on Saturday was only delayed - not cancelled. He finally walked through the door at 6:30 Saturday night. I still have NO idea where Saskatoon is. Eh, who cares?


Mom of Three said...

This is why I am planning a three day blitz in the middle of the summer for Boo. Hopefully if I can clear everything, she will be so good by the end of it we won't have the accident parts. As far as streaking goes, she loves that anyway and she's not potty trained!

Cheryl said...

Actually it was your advice that made me the most successful at potty training. I wait until they're ready and then that's all I concentrate on for two days. I swear that's how the older two were trained and it's been miraculous!! Even at a CEO meeting, I think they would enjoy seeing a naked caboose screaming mommy...that's just too cute.

YouHaveHowMany? said...

ahhh the streakers.... I have plenty of those in my house... that's why I NEVER have a presidency meeting at my house! :)

Lorie said...

Potty training is the worst. There should be "potty training camp" where you send them off for a week and they come back all toilet trained. At least you are Mormon & the your conselors are probably going through the same thing with their 6 kids.

Vern said...

Lorie - I hear it's easier if you just teach your kids to pee outside.

Garity said...

I love your CEO analogy. After trying to train Weston (major backfire...think poopy diapers hidden for days in between matress and wall while Kris and I frantically try and figure out where the smell is coming from) we just don't do it anymore.

At least the Caboose's intrigue is a promising sign! If my boys want to wear diapers to Kindergarten they can change their own and I'll deduct the cost from their college savings.

Brittany said...

Oh too funny, I can't even wait for the next potty training experience!

the5firds said...

I did the "Potty Training in a Day", it only took three weeks! I did NOT enjoy potty training boys. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

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