Friday, March 13, 2009

King Solomons Choice

Here's the problem:
2 tickets to a Colorado Avalanche game
1 Diamond is going
2 sports fanatic boys that would DIE to go

See the problem? 3 people wanting to go, 2 tickets. What do we do???

I suppose we could make it a date, but it seems like a waste for me (not a sports enthusiast) to use the extra ticket.

Diamond could always invite a friend, but going to an Avs game is such a rare treat - it seems at least one of the boys should be able to go.

The tickets are from work - we can't just buy an extra ticket and still sit together.

They would love the experience equally.

Any ideas???


Danae said...

That is a tough one! You just can't win! Let us know what you decided! Good Luck!

Dodi said...

Holy Cow!! That is a tough one. I know that BB1 got to spend some quality time with dad during the pinewood derby and the betty crocker cookoff (When you made that cake they submitted?)... has BB2 gotten to do anything like that lately? It's hard to spread the quality time around, especially since this would probably be even cooler than getting to bake a cake with your dad.

I don't know. Mrs. Kravitz is good with this kind of stuff.

Jenni said...

Wow, that is a hard one. Maybe you could toss a coin?? I'm completely no help.:)

Martha said...

Think outside of the box: take Caboose?

YouHaveHowMany? said...

Well... I usually try to find an equal or greater treat for one of the boys that they can do with a parent of their choice... sometimes they go for it! Good luck...

Cheryl said...

I'm voting for BB#2 because sometime I feel like my second gets left out of a lot of things and needs that one on one time. Good luck with that one!!!

Garity said...

Ditto with Cheryl. My second seems to get the short end of the stick as well even though we try really hard to avoid that. And then what Rebecca said, make up something else for BB1?

Lorie said...

Is this a yearly thing? Can one go this year and the other go the next year?

Jody said...

I would plan some other sort of equally exciting outing that both boys would be crazy about and then just draw straws or something to see who gets to do which outing. That way - it wasn't Mom and Dad playing favorites and both boys get equal time doing something fun with Dad.

Mom of Three said...

According to T, you start with the oldest, and the next time something happens like that it goes to BB#2. If you don't start with the oldest it will cause problems. This is a man that grew up in a family of eight, where the first four were boys...I would say listen to him. :)

Brittany said...

Have them each draw a picture of why they should go, the best one (judged by an outside party) get's to go!