Tuesday, July 27, 2010

For Hire

Big Boy #1 has his eye on this:

He really, really, really wants it. (Frankly, all of his enthusiasm for the the IPod Touch has been a bit contagious. He's got me wanting one too!) Anyway, with a price tag of $300 or so, we recommended that he figure out a way to earn some serious money.

He started with chores around the house, but since we pay worse than a nineteenth century sweatshop, he needed to consider other options. An almost 12 year old boy who wants to earn decent money in the summer has one good shot: mowing lawns.

He started with our own lawn. Then he moved onto Grandpa's to get some more practice. Tonight he mowed the neighbor's grass. His skills are improving and he has managed to save some decent money.

Before long he'll have earned enough to purchase that coveted gadget. I'm very proud of how hard he has worked towards his goal. At the rate he's going he'll have that IPod before me. Maybe I should come and mow your lawn? Nah, too sweaty. But if you're in the market, BB#1 is ready and willing.


Mrs. Kravitz said...

I got an ipod touch for Christmas last year and I love it. I'm impressed with his dedication to his goal! Keep up the good work!

Jennifer said...

I have one and they are super cool! The apps are really fun! He must want one with a lot of memory. My 8GB was about half that price on Amazon.

Having to work for it will give him a greater appreciation and he will take good care of it. Next he will want to save up for a car. How fast they grow up!