Thursday, September 11, 2008


Tonight on MSNBC they have been replaying the original news footage from 9/11. It's almost painful to hear Katie Couric say things like "We've got an update from our correspondent in Washington D.C." or "There are unconfirmed reports of a plane crashing in Pennsylvania." And when a camera zoomed in on a whole group of fire fighters walking toward the Trade Towers, a little cry escaped from my chest.

Hearing it all unfold again brings back so much of that old pain. However, it also calls other emotions to the front. Gratitude being top on the list.

I certainly don't say it (or even think it) enough. But, thank you to all of the fire fighters who run into the burning buildings to get other people out.
Thank you to the military who take themselves away from their families and put themselves into harms way so that I can be safely home my family.

And thank you, to those past and present, who have created a legacy of freedom and opportunity which I proudly share with my family.