This is our side yard:
It's about 30' x 14' . Not big, but also larger than most side yards in the area.
We are trying to figure out what to do with it. Here's where we are so far:
-Rock it? PROBLEM! We have such a small backyard that I really want to make the most of every bit of yard we do have.
-Trampoline? PROBLEM! I'm too worried that someone will get hurt. Plus, I don't want to have a toy that needs a tons of supervision. That would ruin the whole point of a yard!
-Fort/Play structure? PROBLEM! We took the boys to a play structure sales center, and they were done playing on the forts within about 15 mins. I'm not about to spend that kind of cash on something they got bored with at the store!
-Garden? PROBLEM! We really want the space for the boys to play. Plus, my dad has such a yummy garden, it's almost not worth doing one ourselves.
-Giant Sandbox? PROBLEM! I'm not so convinced that the big boys would play in it, plus I'm worried about the mess of it all.
-Grass? PROBLEM! We already have a good stretch of grass in the back. I don't think more grass buys us anything new.
-Big Boulders/ Rock Garden? PROBLEM! Would they play on the rocks? Commune with nature? Or would it become purely decorative? (Not such a bad thing, but not really what we are going for either.
Help! Am I missing something? Is there an answer just beyond my reach? Am I not properly evaluating the ideas we have come up with? Please, I need help!