Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Charmed, I'm Sure

Friday is Big Boy #1's last day of elementary school.

He watched the puberty video at school Wednesday.

And I can't quite shake the feeling the days of easy family life, and my charmed existence may very well be numbered.

After being horrified that the boys and girls were made to sit together during the Talk (probably the only way to make that little chat MORE awkward - icky!) Big Boy #1 asked me what the narrator meant when he stated that throughout puberty the kids might feel "mean" and "moody." Although I have historically looked forward to having teenagers in my home, I'm starting to realize that I'm not going to be the "cool" teacher that "gets" the kids. I'm going to be the mom - the one they can't stand, who doesn't understand, locked in battles of will. I am dreading the stress and strain that, even in the best of situations, characterizes what will be happening in my home over the next several years.

I may sometimes complain, but life is really quite good right now.

We're out of the needy and exhausting baby stage. Even the Caboose can manage all the basics. If he's hungry, he can get himself a snack and if he gets bored, he is pretty great about entertaining himself. Meanwhile, the big boys are virtually self-sufficient. I truly loved my babies, but I also really, really enjoy the ease and freedom of having kids that are a bit older.

It feels like we're between two worlds. We are past the babies, and not quite into the teens; children. What a wonderful existence. I just wonder how much longer we have...


Kari said...

I totally understand what you are going through. My oldest is not as old as your #1 but she has been going through some "changes" already and it makes me realize how much I will miss the innocence of childhood. Good Luck! If you figure out any secrets, please share!

Julie Ramsay said...

For my daughter 13 and been a really changing year but I think boys are slower... Enjoy kissing them while they'll let you :)

Mom of Three said...

So that's why LM has been in a perpetual bad mood for the past couple of months! I guess I need to watch that puberty video too.

The Morey Family from Rochester said...

Or you could be crazy like me and not have an in between time! I've got an almost teenager and a baby. What was I thinking? :-) Truthfully, I really enjoy those years. Overall they are sweet and fun. Enjoy!

Jenni said...

Oh I feel the same way about being in a good place right now. The next 10 years are sure to be a roller coaster though.:)