Monday, June 21, 2010

Bucket List

One of the things on my bucket list is to visit every state in the US. Here's what I've got so far:

It helps to grow up one side of the nation and then settle on the other side. Plus all those road trips between New York and Utah covered a lot of states. My parents always drove new routes so we could see more of the nation. I've been crossing off states since I was a little kid. (One of reasons I opted to travel to New Orleans for Diamond's 40th was because I hadn't been to Louisiana yet.)

I have six states left: Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and Alaska. Until last week I thought I had been to Oklahoma. I can't explain the degree to which it annoys me that I have one more state than I had originally figured.

Of course this states thing has become a bit of a competition. My sister only has seven left. Growing up together, she was able to count many of the same states as me. But now she is planning a road trip through the deep south - which will allow her to pull ahead. GRRRR!

Is it crazy that I'm considering a road trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico, with a quick drive through the Oklahoma panhandle?


Mom of Three said...

Yeah baby! Ya know that my bucket list is continents. I have four with only three to go!!

The Morey Family from Rochester said...

So funny! If Tammy was still in Oklahoma I would suggest you stay at her place. Unfortunately for you, she moved to Utah in October. :-( The deep south is where I'm missing most of my states as well. Good luck!

Vern said...

Why does it have to be a competition? I say we stick a few of us girls in a van and make a road trip and we'll cross out the rest of your states all together. You bring the Bugles, I'll spot the m&m's.

Cara said...

That's one of my goals too, only four to go! My kids need to get their maps filled up too, so I desperatley want to go to New Mexico, or Kansas, or Nebraska. At this pont I'd even consider Wyoming!