After sixteen years of marriage, we finally traded in the Queen.

And upgraded to a King sized bed.

Dave is wondering why we need so many pillows - 14 in all. What a
boy! I think they look great.
While it hasn't been a super dramatic change, I have noticed a few things:
1- Getting into this bed is a bit like climbing a small mountain. Do you see how HIGH this thing is - especially compared to our old bed? The boys literally take a running start.
2- It takes a long time to make a bed that has 14 pillows on it.
3- When the boys and I are reading in my bed at nighttime, we actually fit.
4-Handing down our old queen to BB#2 has not stopped him from coming into our room at around 1am every night. And despite the bigger bed, he continues to occupy the floor.
5- I've really enjoyed spreading out in my sleep, but Diamond continues to occupy the same small space on his side of the bed. He has no more sleeping room than before, while I have a managed to commandeer 2/3 of the bed.
I have a friend who told me she wouldn't want a King - she likes sleeping closer to her husband. How sweet. Me? I like my two-thirds of the bed.
Love ya babe!