It was SO much fun. However, throughout the night, I noticed that I vacillated wildly between feeling really young and really old. So here goes:

So, if half of the night made me feel young and half of the night made me feel old, what exactly AM I???
Not a lot of substance, but it's amazing what you can live on.
Well, Saturday night I was out for an annual Girls Night with these ladies. (We have all moved to various far and away places, yet we still manage to meet up at least once a year.)
After a relaxing, laughter-filled dinner discussing things like; which Hollywood celebrities we would most want to hang out with, and, how when your college boyfriend picks a Erasure song as "your song" it might just clue you in to his true sexual orientation, we decided to catch a movie.
As we are driving down the highway - at night- all of a sudden this car pulls in front of us COVERED in trolls. They were attached to the front and rear bumpers, to the rear-view mirrors, to the roof of the car and the top of the trunk. (This is a picture that BB#1 found online.)
Laura, our driver, started swerving like a drunk and we all started screaming. We were able to avoid a collision, but that bizarre car kinda freaked us all out. Since it was dark we couldn't tell exactly what was on the car at first- but we saw lots of hair and little bits of faces. SCARY!
What kind of person would attached hundreds of trolls to their car??? We were anxious to pull up next to the car to peek at the driver. We didn't see the long-haried guy in the picture, but rather a middle-age, bald man. Seriously! Not exactly the kind of man I'd leave my kids with! Yikes!