Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Look What I Found

My favorite season of the year has to be spring. I love those early warm days, seeing buds on the trees, enjoying the lengthening daylight, and watching the world wake up again. At the beginning of March I usually start combing the ground for signs of spring. Earlier this week I found this:

I realize it may sound silly, but that little half inch of green gives me such pleasure! Add to that the amazing weather we've been having (we're on day three of 70'+ temps) and I am so excited for spring!


Jenni said...

Yay for an early spring (hopefully) and yay for flip flops weather!:)

Lorie said...

70's? I know I complain a lot but I would kill for 50's!!! I have wheat grass growing in my kitchen to enjoy something green.

Tim said...

So agree! I just want the warm weather to last. by the way this is G

Martha said...

I noticed mine as well...but my Spring Fever is SO severe, I can't muster the energy to grab the camera and share with others. I'll just tell folks to go look at Ganelle's blog! :)

Dodi said...

You and Mrs. Kravitz are keeping my warm weather hopes alive! Her bulbs are coming up too!!

That May blizzard is going to bite.