Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Grandma Smith

Today, Diamond's 101 year old grandma died. Like any good grandson, many of Diamond's memories center around her cooking: her famous cinnamon rolls, the best french toast ever, and root beer floats. He also talks about how she would leave a candy bar on his pillow after a visit to town - since Diamond was the one who had to give up his bed to his grandparents.

I meet Grandma Smith when Diamond and I were dating. What always amazed me was that no matter when we stopped by, there were always grandkids, greatgrands, etc. over visiting. I do know that Grandma wasn't too sure about me at first. Apparently, she thought my shorts were too short and she was convinced that I was corrupting Diamond's little sister when I took her to a college comedy club. But I think I eventually won her over. If nothing else the creation of three curly-haired great-grandsons got me some credit.

It is really crazy to consider the changes she has seen in her life. When Grandma was born:

-The 19th amendment, granting women the right to vote would not be ratified for another eleven years.
-There had been no world wars.
-There was no rock and roll and music. (She was 49 when Elvis had his first #1)
-Think of the technology: Henry Ford had yet to popularize the automobile, most homes had yet to become "electrified", there was no penicillin, no TVs, no washing machines, no computers, or microwaves.

But now she has passed. It's a blessing really. Her husband died over twenty years ago, she lost a newborn baby almost 75 years ago, and her only daughter died last year. She is ready to be reunited. I'm truly happy for her. I know how much she missed her husband, her parents and her children.
We'll be heading to Utah soon for a funeral. But, until then, here's to you Grandma!


Garity said...

Great post. Especially the history comparison of then and now. Amazing! My mom and dad used to leave cash on my boys' beds as a thank you for the use of their room. I hope my boys remember this fondly the way Diamond does with his grandma!

Kristi said...

Please give Diamond our love. I have been thinking a lot about my grandma lately, who passed away 6 years ago. I miss her everyday! Grandmas hold such a special spot in our lives. (BTW, your shorts too short?? Shocking!)

With love and sympathy,
Kristi and co.

Cheryl said...

I never got a candy bar!!!! And you have truly corrupted me more than you'll ever know :)

Anonymous said...

Even though I didn't get to really know grandma that well, I know that she was a great woman, mother and grandmother. Your memories of her are, as usual, humorous.

I loved your comparisons of the events that took place in her life. I decided to find out what significant events took place the year she was born and posted it at the bottom of Cheryl's entry. Your boys will love the items for October 14 & 24 (maybe there's a direct link between the two).

Anonymous said...

nice blog - nice tribute

Jennifer said...

Thanks for sharing this tribute with us. She sounds like a wonderful woman. Our thoughts are with your family as you remember her.

Krista and Jeff said...

Please let me know when you're going to com...if you aren't here already...I just went through this not to long ago with my grandma...she was's hard.

Martha said...

The usual sentiments of sympathy seem inappropriate: for while I"m sorry for Diamond's loss, it seems like she lived a full and rewarding life and her passing seems almost a reason for celebrating. Just the same, my thoughts are with your hubby and his family as they say their last goodbyes to Grandma.

And to you and the boys...wishing you a safe journey to UT. Be careful out there...the fools are all on the roads in search of fresh powder!

Mom of Three said...

Our thoughts are with Diamond's family. I can't imagine losing someone I'm so close to, even if they are over 100. What a great legacy she leaves.