Wednesday, December 19, 2012


 As Christmas continues down the path of MORE! MORE! MORE! the Elf on the Shelf has taken a beating on Facebook as the straw that is beating the cheer out of multitudes of mothers across the country.
 I'm not someone who goes all crazy on the little things and Christmas can certainly leave me feeling burnt out and exhausted, but personally, I have had a blast with the Elf. 
 Mostly because my six year old has a laugh that fills my soul all the way too bursting.  And when he finds that silly ol' elf, he laughs and laughs and laughs. 
It was no surprise that it didn't even take a week before the elf didn't move one night.  Luckily the Caboose was able to leave some food for him and he perked right back up.  Phew!
 With everything that has happened in the world this December, it has done ME good to see the giant smile on face of my little boy.
Love that silly ol' elf!

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