February 21, 2010
Presiding: Elder L. Tom Perry / The Quorum of Twelve
Attending: Elder Donald L. Hallstrom / The Presidency of the Seventy
Elder Randy D. Funk / Of the Seventy
Conducting: Bishop C. Larsen
Organist: K. Condie
Chorister: D. Smurthwaite
Opening Hymn: # 219 Because I Have Been Given Much
Invocation: Brother D. Crawford
Ward Business:
Sacrament Hymn: # 194 There is a Green Hill Far Away
Speaker: Elder Donald L. Hallstrom
Speaker: Elder L. Tom Perry
Closing Hymn: # 249 Called to Serve
Benediction: Sister Ganelle Smith
Elder L. Tom Perry came to our ward last Sunday - for what appears to be no particular reason. It was great! He discussed the basics of the gospel - love that. I thought the coolest part was when he called up one little boy and spoke to him individually. There is something powerful about hearing an apostle bear his testimony to a child.
Oh, and I totally snaked a handshake from him at the end.