Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Sometime this summer five pounds randomly showed up. I figured it would fall off as randomly as it appeared. I was wrong.

Now I'm trying to decided if I should grow fat gracefully or fight.

On the one hand, 37 seems a bit young to give up. On the other hand is chocolate, bread, and Chipotle.

It's a toughie.


Cheryl said...

It's so hard!!!! It's getting harder and harder the older I'm getting. 5 pounds isn't that bad though. I'm amazed by how good you do look after having three kids!!!

Krista and Jeff said...

You look awesome...I agree about the yummy food...

Garity said...

Hmmmm, Grow fat gracefully!!!!

Then again, I'm the wrong person to ask since I ate a bag of Kit Kats for breakfast today. Kris bought a bag of them for me at the commissary and I had visions of savoring them over a period of about a month but it was chaos the moment I opened the bag. Can I just tell you the candy here in Mexico is nasty; tamarind pulp coated in chili pepper...seriously people? Reason enough to cross the border right there. Just come down to Mexico City to visit me and you'll have that 5 lbs plus several more shed within a few days!

Completely unrelated: I loved reading Kristy's last post about how you were there for her (again). I mentioned in my comment that we could all use a Ganelle close by.

Vern said...

If you start eating healthy just as I'm entering menopause I'm screwed, so I guess you know where I'm hoping you cast your vote. Then again, I'm not really worried.