Tuesday, November 6, 2012


A long time ago we started a tradition in our family of taking the boys with us to vote.  It started when Big Boy #1 was very small, and I didn't have many other options, but has evolved into something we all look forward to. 
 I take only one boy each election so we have to rotate years.  After voting we always go get some kind of treat to celebrate.  I let them push the buttons (of course I tell them which buttons to push!) and I try to work in a conversation about civic responsibility, sacrifice and political awareness. 
Normally Diamond doesn't get to take a boy with him - with his work schedule he is usually fighting to just get it done.  But this election Big Boy #1 actually opted to wake up early and go vote with his dad.  How great is that?  A fourteen year old boy who will wake up to vote with his dad. 
I truly feel blessed to live in a country where I can vote, where that voting happens in a safe environment and where I know my vote will count.  It is a blessing and a privilege and I pray my boys will honor that right as much as I do.

1 comment:

Mom of Three said...

It looks like a fun experience with the two of you! Just wish it went the way we had hoped.