Sunday, January 17, 2010


This is what happens when my mom goes to Utah:

*Not that this is in any way a reflection of my mom's feelings for
my dad,
the Temple, or the Church.

It's just, well,


Julie Ramsay said...

Hey Ganelle! Utah makes me do that too! Your christmas card came back so send me an email and I'll send you a picture email card :) julie at ramsay dot ch. HOpe you are all well!

Martha said...

My hubby has banned me from visiting the fine state of UT. He thinks that they have a vendetta against me. I've been twice: the first time I ended up sick with pneumonia (day 2 of a 7 day ski trip to Park City back in '96) and the second time I fell in a parking lot at Gooseneck State Park and broke three bones in my foot.

Much as I would love to visit the beauty of Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon...I fear the wrath of UT

(and again, the people are very nice...especially the doctors and parker ranger that took care of me...but it's UT...what will go wrong, will no doubt go wrong for me in UT!)

Cheryl said...

When you don't have anything nice to say, it's better not to say anything at all...I'll leave it at that!!!

FOX said...

Me too and I live here!

Jennifer said...

LOL! Her expression is hilarious! Utah is a nice place to visit, but...well, you know the rest! :)

ganelle said...

I'm with Jen - UT is a lovely place to VISIT. Of course, I don't have Martha's physical response to crossing state lines.

Cheryl: I just need to point out that I didn't SAY anything! I just posted a picture!

Cheryl said...

Oh, your picture said it all girly!!!

Garity said...

Ahem...yea a picture says a thousand words. Love it.