Eight reasons why my mom is cooler than your mom:
1. She is the most GENEROUS person I know. I remember one night talking to her about a family I knew who was going to have a difficult time providing a Christmas for their kids. My mom jumped up to get her checkbook before I could even finish the story. Not only does she have the family over every Sunday for dinner, but for two years she made double batches of homemade rolls so that I could add them to meals I had prepared for families in need. In her bedroom she has posted the scripture "be not weary in well-doing". Yup, that's her.
3. She has overcome a LOT. She grew up on the 'wrong side' of the tracks in a home that, to put it mildly was 'dysfunctional'. Yet, even at a young age she decided that she wanted more out of her life. Sometimes I wonder what I would be like if I had come from such a background. I can't imagine having the inner-strength and determination that pulled her out of that life.
4. She really knew how to rock the poncho and over sized sunglasses look in the 1970s.
5. She can do ANYTHING. She has made furniture, tiled floors, written computer programs, decorated elaborate wedding cakes, been a Relief Society President, graduated Magna Cum Laude with her bachelors degree after raising all four of us kids, gone zip-lining and tutored dyslexic children. If she sets her mind to it, watch out.

6. She's a great Nanna. Seriously? The kids all but worship her. She spoils them, loves them and works to make them successful. Sometimes my boys will complain about how mean I am. I will then tell them some story about how Nanna didn't have a pantry full of treats for me when I was a kid or how I had to clean my bathroom AND my parents bathroom every Saturday. They literally don't believe me. That just can't fathom that Nanna would be so tough. What.ever.
7. No one makes yummier cinnamon rolls. Mmmm.
8. As good and kind as she is, she is still totally feisty. She stands up for what she believes is right and refuses to let the stupid people take over. I often attribute my um, 'no-nonsense" attitude as something genetically inherited from her. (Yea, so go complain to her if you don't like it!)
So this year for Mother's Day I wanted to pamper HER. We spent an afternoon getting pedicures and going out to lunch. As wonderful as my mom is, it's no surprise that I just love spending time with her. After everything else, my mom is one of my greatest friends.