1. The ARCHITECTURE was stunning.
In the Garden District:
The wrought-iron balconies were a.maz.ing

2. BEADS WERE EVERYWHERE. I asked a local why someone doesn't come around after Mardi Gras and take down the beads that accidentally land on the trees, street signs and stoplights. She looked at me like I was crazy - "Why would we???" I loved seeing trees covered in beads!
What I did NOT like about New Orleans:
1. OH MY GOSH it is HOT! 90' and 90% humidity left me wilting and grouchy. Add that to the fact that since we stayed in the French Quarter we walked everywhere. I was plain exhausted a good bit of the time.
All in all? Although I have no particular desire to go back, I'm glad we went. But I do wonder if we maybe did it wrong - there was so much to see and we pushed pretty hard to see it ALL, up early every morning, and going strong all day. It was not much of a "Big Easy" trip for us. I kinda wish we could have figured out a way to come on business - less pressure to see everything, more down time....
No matter. It was a great surprise for Diamond, and a fabulous way to turn 40!